Four Types of Hearts

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In the Musnad Ahmad comes that Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم said: There are four;

1- Hearts which are clean. Such hearts are like a bright, shinning lamp. 
2- Hearts which are as thought they were covered up.
3- Hearts which are  turned over.
4- Hearts which combine several characteristics.

The first type of heart belongs to a believer. It is beaming with light and radiance. The second type of heart belongs to an infidel. His heart is covered up. The third type of heart belongs to a hypocrite, who knows the truth and yet denies it. The fourth type of heart belongs to person who has traits of faith as well as hypocrisy. Faith is like a meadow which is irrigated with pure water. And hypocrisy is like a boil which is full of blood and pus. Now whichever characteristic increases shall dominate. 

This report has an excellent chain of transmission. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir 1/89)

 Taken from the book Scattered pearls by Moulana Muhammad Yunus Palanpuri
