Islamic Guidelines For The Holidays

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

December and January are vacation months. Families look forward
to spending time together during these long hot summer days.
While on vacation, Muslims tend to become unmindful of Ibadah
 and other duties to Allah Ta’ala.

Therefore We Need To:

 Be aware of our Muslim identity at all times. (Dress code, behavior etc)

 Be punctual with our 5 daily Salaah wherever we may be, even on a journey.

Guard yourself against all forms of immodesty and shameless activities.

Lower our gazes- especially in public places like malls beaches etc.

Abstain from all sinful activities while spending time together with our friends
and families.

Be alert and conscious about the Halal status when eating out or purchasing food.

Never compromise our Islamic identity.

Courtesy : Darul Ihsan


  1. jzkillah for post may Allah Swt guide us all to follow ameen


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