An-Nawawi | Hadeeth #3/42 | The Pillars of Islaam

The pillars of Islam are known to us all. Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم
describes them in this hadith as the five pillars upon which
Islam is built. Just as in a house the pillars hold it and
support it, similarly these five qualities support our faith.

The shahada being the middle pillar is the most important.
Shahadah is of two parts the first is to testify there is none
worthy of worship besides Allah and the second part is to
testify that Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم is His servant and
Messenger. In order for our faith to be correct we must
believe in both parts.

There after fardh Salah, Zakah, Haj, and fasting in the month
of Ramadhan,  all to be carried out according to the
teachings of Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم with the correct observance
of all its prerequisites and requirements.

So if these last four pillars were not to be found in a person,
then one's faith would collapse like a ruined house with no
pillars to support it, similarly if even one of it were not to be
found again the house will be in danger of collapsing.

This hadith shows us how important these pillars are that the
entire deen is based on it. As such we should be very careful
 not to neglect any of the pillars of Islam so that we can
strenghten our foundation, our Iman. 

Nabi  صلى الله عليه وسلم explained this to us in such a way that
will be easily understood by all. It shows us what an excellent
teacher he was.  

