Holding One's Tongue ( part 2)

بسمالله الرحمن ارحيم        

   Slander (Ghiba)
   (Nawawi :) Slander and talebearing are two of the ugliest and most
   frequently met with qualities among men, few people being safe from
   them. I have begun with them because of the widespread need to
   warn people of them.


   Slander (ghiba) means to mention anything concerning a person that
   he would dislike, whether about his body, religion, everyday life, self,
   disposition, property, son, father, wife, servant, turban, garment, gait,
   movements, smiling, frowning, or anything else connected with him.
   Mention means by word, writing, sign, or indicating him with one's
   eye, hand, head, and so forth.

   Body refers to saying such things as that someone is blind, lame,
   bleary-eyed, bald, short, tall, dark, or pale.

   Religion includes saying that he is corrupt, a thief, cannot be trusted,
   is a tyrant, does not care about the prayer, does not watch to avoid
   filth, does not honor his father, does not spend zakat on what it
   should be spent on, or does not avoid slandering others. 
   Everyday life includes saying that his manners are poor ; he does not
   care about others ; does not think he owes anyone anything ; that he 
   talks, eats, or sleeps too much ; or sleeps or sits when he should not.

   Father refers to saying such things as that his father is corrupt, his
   father is an Indian, Nabatean, African, cobbler, draper, carpenter,
   blacksmith, or weaver ( if mentioned derogatorily ).

   Disposition includes saying that he has bad character, is arrogant, a
   show- off, overhasty, domineering, incapable, fainthearted,
   irresponsible, gloomy, dissolute, and so forth.

   Clothing means saying such things as that his sleeves are too loose,
   his garment hangs too low, is dirty, or the like. Other remarks can
   be judged by the above examples. The determining factor is
   mentioning about a person what he would not like.

  As for talebearing ( namima ), it consists of quoting someone's words
  to another in a way that worsens relations between them.


  The above define slander and talebearing. As for the ruling on them,
  it is that they are haraam, by the consensus of Muslims. There is much
  explicit evidence that they are haraam from the Qur'an, sunnah, and
  consensus of the Muslim Community.

  Allah Most high says :

                        قال الله تعالى : ولا يغتب بعضكم بعضا  
    1.     " Do not slander one another" 49 : 12

                          و قال تعا لى : ويل لكل همزة لمزة 
    2.     " woe to every slanderer and backbiter " 104 : 1

                              و قال الله تالى  هماز مشاء بنميم
    3.     " ....slanderer, going about with tales"  68 : 11

  The Prophet  صلى الله عليه وسلم said :

  (1) " The talebearer will not enter jannah."

  (2) " Do you know what slander is ? " They answered,
   "Allah and His messenger know best." He said, " It is to
    mention of your brother that which he would dislike."
    Someone asked, "what if he is as I say?" And he
    replied, "If he is as you say, you have slandered him,
    and if not, you have calumniated him."

  (3) " The Muslim is the brother of the Muslim. He does
   not betray him, lie to him, or hang back from coming to
   his aid. All of the Muslim is inviolable to his to fellow
   Muslim : his reputation, his property, his blood. Allah-
   fearfulness is here ( pointing to his heart ). It is sufficiently
   wicked for someone to belittle his fellow Muslim."


 "Our Lord ! Forgive us and our brethren who have preceded
us in faith, and put not in our hearts any hatred against those who
have believed. Our Lord ! You are indeed full of kindness, Most
Merciful.   59 : 10
